Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

Walking on hot coals

Early shift at work which meant I managed to finish in good time to make my way to Canterbury for a firewalk, one of my 30@30 list. I was a bit nervous but after the trainer explained the science behind it I wasn't too worried. I was more worried about the hour and half 'pep' talk where we did team building and motivational activities, really not my cup of tea! I thought I would leave but then panicked that they may tell us something important, they did not!
My sister arrived to give me some moral support which I was grateful for, especially as she had travelled all the way from work to see me.
Out to face the coals and flew over them. It hurt more being on the cold wet grass!! Caroline has been tasked with photos and although she thought she had taken loads had only managed two blurry ones! I thought ok I'll do it again then and told her to get a good spot. Over I went again and this time the one good shot she would have got was ruined by a lady in a bobble hat! Nevermind, still have photo evidence.
Stayed for a quick drink with Caroline and then went to Katie's quickly before heading home.

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