I eat dinner here Daddy.

This afternoon we all went for a walk at Crammond.

We had a lovely time, although when we passed the cafe (which was just closing) CyclopsJnr said "I eat dinner here Daddy" and went and sat on the doorstep looking mournful.  Eventually we negotiated him away,

He also badly wanted an ice cream from the van and chased it up the street at very high speed on his bike when it tried to leave...

This morning at the supermarket we got about two thirds of the way round before he announced "I finished now Daddy.  Go car."  I explained I wasn't finished.  The next time I tried to use the self-scanner it wouldn't work.  He calls it a beep-beep because of the noise it makes when we scan.  He immediately piped up "Beep-beep broken Daddy.  We go now".  Closer inspection revealed a sticker from CyclopsJnr's jumper had mysteriously become stuck over the laser of the scanner.  I suspect the cunning little imp of sabotage...

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