
By Jamjar

Half a dozen photos were taken of me today, but in all of them it doesn't look as though I'm doing much.  That is certainly not the case, but it does take me a while to place gear as I haven't got the experience to know which particular bit is going to fit perfectly first time.  I also spend a while deciding where to move my hands and feet to next, and sometimes it then takes me a few minutes to decide that I can actually do the move!  

Anyway after leading two VDiffs, I had a go at seconding my first HVS.  I didn't get to the top, only about two thirds of the way and so failed to retrieve the last piece of gear before being lowered off.  After a couple of minutes rest I went up again, but ignored the route and just followed the easiest line - which was still quite strenuous - before managing to get Andy's cam out of the crack for him.  A good day.

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