Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt


I did think that this inflatable globe ball would be a good present for Hannah, but I didn't know quite how happy it would make her. I love birthdays. Even other people's.

After an afternoon at Dad's (where I unknowingly picked up a stomach bug that made me feel truly terribly about 24 hours later) I headed to Bournemouth for a night of Thai curry, beer and talking to Dave McPherson about dwarf tossing.

There are no blips for the next couple of days. I was going to take photos of the cakes that we were going to make. But then I was very ill and didn't want to document being gross. We made the cakes on Tuesday but burnt them fairly badly and never got round to icing. Photo fail basically.

Even though I was very ill I still had a lovely time in Bournemouth. I miss it a lot. Can't wait to get back down there.

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