Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

The Golden Mean

The Golden Mean (aka Golden Ratio) has been observed and employed for centuries in art, mathematics, architecture, music, finance, philosophy and all manner of design, from industrial to book making. It can be expressed as a mathematical formula (a plus b over a equals a over b equals phi, where the Greek letter phi equals 1 plus the square root of 5 over 2) which is really all Greek to me.

I don't know from algebraic formulas. I know some people who get excited about the Fibonacci sequence. Good for them! I just know what looks and sounds good to me and I don't need a formula to know it.

The Golden Mean occurs in nature in infinite forms - flowers, shells, leaves, branches, feathers - and is pleasing to look at. You can see it clearly in this sunflower - the way it spirals toward the center, it almost seems to be in motion. Try looking at it large, though I think you actually see the spirals better in small; try different angles, or squint your eyes to look at it.

It is all rather miraculous, isn't it?

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