Kendall Catwalk

Who is Kendall? And a catwalk? Kendall I do not know, but the latter is a narrow trail that runs between two major basins facing in opposite directions and with pretty steep drops, treacherous in bad conditions - which was not the case today. It is 5.5 miles to get this point as shown in the photo, the beginning of the actual catwalk. We were on the trail at 7:30, up at 5:00 to do that - and glad for it as we had this marvelous long hike to ourselves going up, almost. Going down passed so many people, with so many dogs. Now dogs are a great species but I do not get a lot of things about their owners management skills. Enuff said on that topic.

This weather is supposed to hold for another week plus - what a treat for us in so often dreary Seattle!

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