and through the wire...

By hesscat

Geth the Genny the Out

A power cut hit us  today about 3pm, the winds were howling and it ended up being overhead wires. Since I was WFH, I needed to get the genny out to power the broadband router... haha! Overkill? AA batteries would have done? I had to go out at 5pm and power was back on our return at 8pm.

We got this generator in 1999 and we use it once or twice a year for usually a few hours at a time. It's quite amazing it still goes! We plug it into the house network (isolated!) and it powers it all except the shower, kettle and the whole of this new (10 year) old extension... need to get round to getting that sorted. Of most use is it powering the oil boiler to keep the whole house warm.

Many many years ago, I think it ran for about a 4 or 5 days due to heavy snow. We were snowbound, couldn't get out, and I walked a wheelbarrow over the fields with a petrol can (20L), met a friend a way down the road where his car could reach and collected some fuel at a garage. The journey back up the road with wheelbarrow and can was a nightmare.

Ahh, those were the days...

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