People on a Bridge

By zerohour


Uncle Dave drove all the way from Atlanta (about 5 hours) to wax and polish his new car. There is such congestion in the city he just couldn't find a place to have enough elbow room for the job ;-)

I am terribly behind in posting, even more so in reading and commenting. This graduate school business is kicking my behind royally. The biggest problem is the fact that all I am learning now is new and unrelated to what I know. Imagine being a car mechanic and enrolling in a cooking school - yep, that's more or less how I feel.

One the house front, Husband Dear is revamping our living room shelves to create a hacked build-in system made out of IKEA's Ivar system, some timber pieces as needed for the build-in effect and lots of paint. We won't realize his vision till after Christmas, but the skeleton will be in place soon, albeit with the shorter shelves than the final ones.

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