
Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly here!

Mum says that only the very young and very old get to celebrate their half birthdays. SHE'S not there yet - obviously! But I AM!! Today I am 17 and a half! And so we celebrated a little bit! Mum asked me what I wanted to do, and since the sun was shining and it was like spring I suggested we sit in the garden and enjoy it! And so we did!

It was SO nice that we stayed out here several hours! I mostly snoozed in my bed and Mum mostly read a new book she got for HER birthday! (I'm not sure WHY she's reading a book about a CAT! Or even why there's enough to put into more than one chapter! But Mum says it's very good and they've even made a movie about it! Weird!)

Anyway - we had a really really nice afternoon! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, this evening as my half birthday treat I got ice-cream!! When we were visiting my friend Alice in Sweden, I got LOTS of 'Lickin' Liver' ice-cream, but we can't get that in England. So mum gave me normal vanilla with dried liver chips sprinkled on top! AWESOME!!

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