Lali's World

By Lali

My sister Neus

This is my sister Neus. Photo taken with an old small digital camera I borrowed from Scott, which, although it's a bit limited as to what it can do, it's really handy to carry around in my handbag and takes nice photos.

I hadn't been in the mood for photos for the last couple of days as I'd been worrying about the journey and getting ready. The journey went fine and my family were very happy to see me. It was a long journey though. I left the flat at 7am and got home at around 10:30pm Spanish time. I was knackered.

Today I took it easy. In the morning I went out with my mother to buy a watch and after lunch, I went for a walk. The weather is great over here. In the evening I met my sister Neus, in the photo. It was nice to catch up. She was telling me all about her new theatre production which I'm going to see on Saturday.

This is a back blip from Wednesday.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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