When I started out on blip I had real doubts about whether I'd make it to a hundred days and to reach three hundred and sixty-five days seemed a fantasy. Today, I've completed three hundred and sixty-five weeks (2,555 daily blips) and can only smile in wonder. Who'd have thought it seven years ago today!

Of all the countries we've been in during this time, perhaps Egypt is the one that has played the most significant part our lives. We, and you too thanks to this community, were witnesses to the thousand days of revolution after January 25th 2011. My book developed from its blipland genesis. Dd grew to be a highly valued collaborator of the British Council in Agouza. So, it's appropriate that this anniversary blip is taken on 26th July Street, Zamalek, Cairo.

Chaiselongue and I used to talk about synchronicity a lot in our blips and would you believe that today when I was wondering what on earth to blip under a gloomy Cairene sky, I looked up as I walked along the street to find that a newly-opened restaurant called 'Seven Tables' had put just that on their wall. That'll do nicely, I thought.

We all know blip is not just about the record we create of our lives, although that is a substantial reason to do it - one day we'll be the envy of everyone in the old folks' home or, perhaps, the ones to avoid sitting beside in the residents' lounge! Blip is equally about the friendships we make which fall into two categories . . . blipper friends we've met and ones we can't wait to meet! The number seven is known, with reason, to be magic and to me the magic of seven years of blipping is revealed in every single one of those friendships. Thank you all - and Dd of course - so very much!

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