Laughing all the way to the Blank!

Not a good start to the day!  I received a double whammy from the Postie this morning in the shape of a letter from my car insurance firm and another from my electricity provider.  You can guess what the whammy was  - yes, HUGE increases from both:(   I had to have an extra injection of caffeine to calm me down.  Fortunately my ‘WebUser’ magazine was also delivered and the theme for this issue was ‘Laughing all the way to the Blank’!  The theme is about how to hide all your compute activity so that orgs like Google, Chrome etc. draw a blank when searching for your interests so they can annoy you with pop-up ads and stuff to fill your Junk mailbox with. I thought great idea for a blip!  See my creation in my Extra :-)  Just in case my blank doesn’t raise a laugh I’ve made my favourite cat the main blip for the day.  You can see my daffodils have at last decided to bloom:)

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