Day 4

Heard owls last night and woodpeckers this morning. Do love camping in woodland. Mike, Ollie and I had a walk first thing and Ollie managed to get covered from chin to toe in gingery brown mud. Try as I might to clean him, all I succeeded in doing was spreading it further!
Took him to the beach at Rosemarkie where lots of other dogs were in and out of the water, but he was not interested at all. We tried to encourage him into the sea, but he was too keen on all the other smells. Eventually we decided to leave, then he decided to go in to the waves and have a good rinse!
After lunch we went to the Groam House museum where they have a terrific collection of carved Pictish stones. They also have lots of Celtic art work by George Bain, and I donated a rug of my granny's to them many years ago. It's not on display at the moment, but in the deep freeze to preserve it!
Spent the night at a proper camp site, at Nairn, with showers, hot water, a washing machine and tumble dryer! Filled up with more water too. The down side was the car noise from the main Aberdeen road all night long, the noise of guns shooting in the forest and the fact that dogs had to be on a lead at all times. Swings and roundabouts, we are clean and sweet smelling, and so are our clothes!

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