
By TheBigCheese1

Oh dear....

I shouldn't be allowed out, let alone be in charge of children! I had a 'brilliant' idea for Artist Club (after school club for the children where we study a different artist each week and then try to paint in their style) which was to look at the work of the superb Jackson Pollock!

Luckily, I also thought at the last moment that it was a good idea to paint outside in the playground! The children thoroughly enjoyed the 'drip' technique and produced some really nice pieces. Unfortunately, they also covered themselves, the playground and inside school going to the toilets to wash their hands - ooops.

Most of the parents refused to take the very wet pictures in their cars, so I now have a classroom full of masterpieces hopefully drying over night (some have absolutely no chance of drying this millennium!).

My blip is of the playground where a picture blew over - I quite like the effect. The extra is a snapshot of the scene of carnage! Excellent fun all round!

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