Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


I have today and tomorrow off. Last days of my holidays before starting next year.

Woke this morning around 10am, feeling exhausted, I think I cried myself to sleep last night.
It was really hard to get moving and because I had no agenda for the morning it made it worse. I ended up clearing some really old hardback autobiographies off my bookcase and bagging them for charity. I now have room for more books :)
Took them to a charity shop and went for lunch (Rocksalt), before spending the afternoon with Lewis. What a tonic.
We did jigsaws, played with his cars, sang nursery rhymes with the help of youtube.
This desk was my Aunts when she was young, then it was mine, now it is Lewis'. Steven is going to re paint it; Lewis wants it red.  I showed him that the lid opens up and told him it was for his pencils and paper and he replied 'no', my cars and started to put several in!

Tomorrow is due to rain all day, goodness knows what to do!

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