
By tribal

The Prefecture

For the past month, I've been a little concerned that we only had 2 days after arriving here, to get the car through a controle technique (MOT). I took it to the garage this morning, only to be sent away again as he insisted my documentation was wrong. He said we had to go to the Prefecture. There isn't one in Paimpol, so we drove 40 mins to St Brieuc. We found the right building (after visiting several others!) and waited our turn. When it came, we were told yes it was incorrect, and they would put a new one in the post! So, no CT required at all. That took most of the day to sort out.
While waiting, an email arrived from Alice's new teacher. It seems she won't be going to the village school just 5 minutes walk away, but will go to the next village 2 miles drive or school bus. Mixed feelings about it, but she will be with her age group (and older), and the building does look more modern. The new teacher is a lady who speaks limited English.
Alice doesn't seem to mind, as long as we collect her for lunch. It's an 8.25 (7.25 Guernsey time!) school start, and finishes at 4.10 , with 90 minutes for lunch.

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