Not at home

Guilty secret: I don’t really like jazz.
Anyone still there?
Well, there’s some African jazz I can make sense of, and Stephane Grapelli and Django Reinhardt are brilliant and I can start to see a pattern in things I’ve heard a lot but I think I don’t really get jazz’s frame of reference. It’s not that I want to know what’s coming next in a piece of music – that bores me – it’s that when it gets there I don’t like feeling as disoriented as I do. Where’s this new key come from? What happened to the rhythm? Those notes really, really don’t belong together…
Even so, I went with Bundle this evening to Oxford’s award-winning jazz club, The Spin, and squeezed myself into a space near the front to hear the guitar duo Pete Oxley and Nicolas Meier and they were fantastic. I’ve heard them before so the frame wasn’t all new, but I was mesmerised (again) by the slightly Arab sounds that Nicolas Meier gets out of his fretless guitar.

My dslr felt too intrusive to get out while they were playing but I hope Bundle posts one of the pictures she took with her more discreet compact.

Edit: She did!

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