Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Vet visit no 2

Kind of a drizzly mizzly day, but Anne came and took Archie out to the Meadows, though I think they spent time in Anne's flat instead.

I went off to acupuncture. For the last time, I think. I'm not sure if it's helping much, I'm just gradually getting more movement through other exercise. I wish I could say it was a miracle cure, but I can't afford to keep going ten times as he suggested...

However, apart from the torture of his very strong thumbs massage I had a pleasant morning. I popped along early so that I could have a coffee. I met the lovely wee Boris (extra). His dad happened to see *ahem* the photo of Archie in my phone, and declared that he knew Archie - he'd met him up Blackford Hill.

Had a chat with the lady whose table I shared. Of course, Brexit, IndyRef2 and even the Poll Tax (which I wasn't here for) were mulled over. I say 'of course' but generally, they're subjects to avoid in casual conversation these days...

I walked home and arrived to find the Scottish Power man fitting a 'Smart Meter'. This took him hours. We now have a little do-dacky that shows our gas and electricity usage in real time.

After he'd gone we took Archie back to the vet to check on his sore ear. Although he's not scratching it, or hanging it down, it's still red and inflamed, so we got another bottle of stuff to give him. Another week of a greasy, oily face, Archie, because much of it comes back out no matter how far in the ear canal you think you've squeezed it. In the photo, the vet is just giving him the once over, but check out the accusing look he's giving me. He used to love going to the vet, but now he's a bit more reluctant...

Rufus and his mum went to Portobello today, and when we came home from the vet, Archie found a present on the step - a liver muffin from the beach caravan there! Yay!

Three games of rugby tomorrow! Even more Yay!

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