'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Midday Monday

Discovered the canal nature walk during my lunchtime walk. I knew about it, but didn't know that that was where it was! I think it commemorate the canals that used to be the major transport medium years ago. There was a information board, but a vicious looking woman was standing in front of it while her jack russel was sniffing around. I'll go back tomorrow to see if I can find out more.

The water was dirty with bottles, cans, plastic bags & other signs of "civilazation" sticking their heads out of the green slime.

The ducks looked fairly happy, albeit a bit lethargic, but it could have been the warm sunshine - I was a bit lethargic the rest of the day. They swam away when I stopped to look at them. A good thing I guess because it means that they do not get fed by scores of children with left over MacDonalds.

"En die groot en oop grasvlaktes
Span dit toe met doringdraad
En van die olifant tot die gemsbok
Al die diere moes kom buig
Voor die mag van die grootwildjagter
Voor die mag van sy groot geweer
Totdat net die stilte oorbly
Totdat net die stilte heers
Halala, mayibuye Afrika"
Johannes Kerkorrel, Halala Afrika

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