Couple's Lifting Session

4th week of the CrossFit Open for this morning. A repeat of a workout from last year*.

Jen went in the first wave of people and I went in the second. I like being able to cheer her on as I don't get the chance to watch her much in regular workouts. Not that she needs much encouragement. She's awesome at just never stopping! The fact that she did all the deadlifts in two sets (30 reps, rest, 25 reps) is nuts. I did all mine in 3's! Haha!

Always good to repeat a workout to see how much you have progressed. Both of us managed to better our score from last year, whoo!

*Workout was
- 55 deadlifts (102kg for me, 43kg for Jen)
- 55 wall balls
- 55 calorie row
- 55 handstand push up or hand release push up

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