
By Legacy

A Sure Thing

Not that I'm not up for a challenge, but rather than lie in wait for a living feathered friend, I went for this sweet pair.

This particular mosaic is one of several (all birds) decorating a two to three-foot stone retaining wall in front of a house near my office. It appears to be a rental since it has had a number of different identities; an insurance office, a real estate office and frequently a dwelling for local collage students. The yard clearly has nobody to love it and thus it and the wall are in some disrepair. I drive by it every day and am so afraid that one day I'll see some large piece of machinery carving up the yard and house to make way for something more commercial. I have tried to locate the original owner to get the history of the mosiacs but so far have not had any success. If I ever see that it is about to be removed I'll take a stand in front of the excavator until somebody tells me why the wall can't be salvaged. It is one of those charming little creations that begs to have its story told and appreciated.

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