Squirrel Blip Friday .....

... Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Something happened today that truly falls into the unbelievable column of life!

Within minutes of R leaving for work this morning the phone rang.  I figured that it was him .... maybe telling me he forgot something or another.  But I was so wrong!

It was R calling me to tell me that he just saw a red fox!! It walked right passed his truck and was heading down our street towards the house!  Well, I immediately went to the window and scanned the street! It took me a few minutes to find him/her and I had almost given up!  But there he/she was right across the street!  Unbelievable!!  A red fox on our street?!?

Once I saw the fox I went for my camera but by the time I got back to the window the fox was gone.  But for the rest of the day I was on the lookout! And now that I know there is a fox nearby I will be forever on the lookout! 

We have lived here for almost 24 years and have NEVER seen a fox on our street!  In fact, I have not seen a fox anywhere around here!  We live in the suburbs so it's not out of the realm of possibility to have them here. As much as I would love to see it again I would rather not encourage it to return as that wouldn't be good for my squirrel population!

Happy Squirrel Blip Friday!  And Happy St. Patrick's Day!  May the luck of the Irish be with you!

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