Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


I seem to be suffering from insomnia again at the moment. I think it's because I feel I'm on the brink of a change but I haven't made my mind up what form it will take yet. Defo an early night for me tonight though.

Went to the park with the kids & The Summers this morning. I can definitely tell we're right at the end of the summer holidays as they were squabbling a little bit and not as perky as usual. I love the school holidays but although I hate to admit it, they probably need a bit of their old routine back.

Been talking/thinking/researching photography courses again today. It a minefield actually. I'm hoping I can blag my way into to some practical experience first.

J was fishing all day today. I mustn't laugh but he's been trying a new lake and so far caught NOTHING! He's not use to this at all.

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