what's wrong with this picture?

Pretty much everything! Forgetting the actual composition (I mean a sunflower growing out of the kid's head???!!!) and the mess of stuff cluttering the image but you might just notice that the boy is on crutches...

We arrived at my brother's yesterday morning, where a large trampoline in the garden met the children. As I was greeting everyone, I watched the two boys rush straight to the trampoline and in the time that it took to finish the hugs, Zachary was a sobbing mess with a badly twisted ankle.

Seriously six weeks of summer holidays where he has done endless extreme activities and it is the trampoline that fells him on the last day, phffff! If I only had not bothered to say hello and instead launched into my "be careful, take a turn" command we would haven't have spent two and a half hours in A&E getting crutches so he won't miss his first day at secondary school tomorrow!

What is right with this picture? I have grown from seed one seriously large sunflower - in the wettest summer for 100 years. Proud!

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