Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Feeding Goldfinches

The Sunday morning bike ride was cancelled because of bad weather. That never actually happened. I did do some cleaning up of data on the PC and transferred some to the NAS drive. While I was doing this, two goldfinches landed on the bird feeder, which was filled up on Saturday. My SLR was to hand, already fitted with the 75-300mm lens, so I used that to get my main blip. Its not very clear as it was shot through the rear window. I didn't want to scare the birds away by opening the rear window.

I also spent some time looking for an e-book my daughter bought me a couple of years ago. Its Black Friday by Seph Lawless, documenting abandoned shopping malls in the US. I find it. :-) Well worth buying it as a pdf.

In the afternoon, I do manage to get out on my bike. he wind that had died down, decides to start up again. At least its dry. My extra is of my bike beside the Gladhouse Reservoir. A short, just out and back, ride of 50.8km.

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