Taking a breather

Happy first day of Spring!
We went for a lovely walk this afternoon on a trail we haven't walked for a long time and really enjoyed it.  Brought back memories of a few years ago when we walked there with friends.  Our friend spotted a lizard sunning on a rock and was keen to get a photo.  We tried to get closer, and he kept cautioning us to keep our shadows away from it and not to scare it . He was oohing and aahing, thinking he was getting a photo to submit to National Geographic or some other magazine.  When he was satisfied that he had the perfect photo, we went closer for a better look.  No movement.  Turned out it was plastic!  Just as well, because he then discovered that he had no film in his camera.  We brought it home, saying that we wanted it for our garden, then mounted it on a rock and gave it to him for his birthday.  He had a good laugh when he opened the present and still has it in his garden.

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