
Today has been huge. The blip is Katie having a celebratory hot chocolate date with her music teacher today.

Because today we found out that my little clarinettist has been awarded a Fledgling Award for promising young musicians by Future Talent. As one of 8 nationally, she's done pretty bloody awesome. She gets some funding but also gets a year of mentoring and support from the organisation, performance opportunities and such. It's amazing. And it's adorable because she's blissfully unaware of how amazing she's done.

I pick her up early on a Tuesday, as a convenience to the school partly (she leaves early but leaves extra early to fit better with their activities). We cycled straight into town and I surprised her with B. The massive hug katie gave her was adorable.

We didn't stay ages as katie had dancing. She had a brilliant time it seems- she said her teacher picked her three times to use for demonstrating and was really pleased. We stopped briefly at the shop and got home at 8. Yet still she spent 45minutes working on the gorgeous arrangement of Tale as Old as Time B has done for us. She was asleep in seconds.

My heart is bursting tonight.

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