
Cydseiniad ~ Harmony

Aeth i i'r côr dros amser cinio eto heddiw, a daeth Nor'dzin hefyd. Er dydy hi ddim aelod o staff, roedd y côr yn hapus iddi hi ymuno â ni. Canon ni am awr lawen ac yna aethon ni i lawr i'r dderbynfa i roi cyngerdd byrfyfyr.

I went to the choir again at lunch time, and Nor'dzin came too. Although she is not a member of staff, the choir were happy for her to join us. We sang for a joyful hour and then we went down to reception to give an impromptu concert.

(Cydseiniad (Harmony) is another of those Welsh words that are helpfully built from smaller words. 'Cyd' is 'join' and 'seiniad' comes from 'sain' meaning 'sound'.  So 'harmony' is 'join/sound'.

The word 'Cyd' appears in the motto of the Welsh football team: 'Gorau Chwarae, Cyd Chwarae' or (roughly) 'The Best Play is Team Play'.  This has become the slogan 'Together Stronger').

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