the end...

(not only of holidays but also...those insects that kept hitting VW without any consideration...)

"The end of THE END is the best place to begin THE END, because if you read THE END from the beginning of the beginning of THE END to the end of the end of THE END, you will arrive at the end."
Lemony Snicket, The End


"How can all the small insects simultaneously know, without a brain, without knowing anything, that today they should visit this meadow, tomorrow that one? It's a question of knowing without knowing, and wanting without wanting. If you want something too intensely, things fall apart in your hands. You start to doubt everything. As soon as you let go, everything comes to you. Then you know, without knowing."
Erik Fosnes Hansen, Tales of Protection

(would love to be able to say that no insects were harmed in...etc but can't!?...we had to clean the windscreen at least 4 times!!...pretty disgusting in large so don't! ...)

(i'm back by the way...thanks to all of you who visited and commented...will try to be a good blipper as from today tomorrow this to work now!!...)

and in the end, the love you take = the love you make...

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