Field to food.

This is the Bath and West Show grounds Showering Pavilion all ready for 700 children to take part in the Field to Food day designed to give school children an insight into how food is produce.

It was a rather cold and wet day but as everything was inside it was not too bad. Mr Tbay and I had a school group of 31 children to escort around the site to look at milking, sheep, pigs, egg production, spinning , beef production , butchery, and the crop area as in the picture.

The children were just lovely and so well behaved. A pleasure to deal with.

Farming- Two on compost hauling.

Today could not pass without a thought for the families caught up in the tragic events in London. What a pointless act against fellow humans. Such acts will never break the spirit of either the Londoners or the rest of the British people. I pray that those injured will survive and live to challenge these perpetrators and their hateful acts of random violence. :-(

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