Kevin's take on life

By KevinV


Sometimes I find when things happen they happen in three's. Well for me it was with technology. Last week was the start of it with a bad windows update. That got corrected within a few days, the second problem was losing my hard drive that I save many of my images on, that too I was able to correct with a little luck. Today was the third issue with my phone. I set my alarm to wake at a certain hour only to find it did not go off as it normally would. So I woke up 15 minutes after i was suppose to be at work so it was an o crap moment. I found out my phone had a bad update and it after a bunch of things tying to get it to work I did a factory restore on it to have it work once again. Only thing is was I lost all my data off the phone and spent some time getting it back.

So today/s image is of three geese on the ice free lake once again.

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