Roly's Life

By Roly

Obligatory Magnolial

A day off and a catch up. It's going to be interesting when I go up to 5 days after Easter!

A beautiful sunny morning hence the magnolia against blue skies - there's not been many opportunities so far. We walked to school and narrowly missed being mowed down by a chap who decided the red light at the crossing didn't apply to him!

Into town for a cheeky with ClareClare followed by Brownie banking, posting off our Annual Subs cheque as by some miracle we have just enough money in the bank!

Onto my friend to do the next bit of her bookkeeping software 'training'. We're almost done and she's really pleased although at the moment it must seem like a lot of faffing. Once we've done this though, she'll be set up so can do it all in real time.

By the time I left it had clouded over and started drizzling so I had a soggy walk home - but I did get my steps up.

A gentle afternoon and evening catching up on chores and cooking tea before taxi duties - Eldest to Explorers, The Boy to school to do a French presentation at yr8 options evening and Princess collected from the secondary school after a 'gifted and talented' event!!

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