Stones in a field?

Not quite. This is actually a Roman Road that was built around 85AD and has recently been uncovered.

It needs recording because this is a development site and will soon be covered by housing – 85 houses to be precise. The houses will be built by the local firm Story Homes and at this stage they knew they would be uncovering the Road, so an archaeological dig was organised. This involved some local children who apparently had a great time digging to see what they could find. Coins, pottery, etc. were found and sent to Tullie House in Carlisle.
This is the Roman Road that linked Brougham Fort with Carlisle and passed the fort of Voreda, not that far from this point. Most of the road has been built on or is under the current road, so this is a rare chance to actually see it some of it.
Thanks SpotsOfTime for reminding me of it. I nearly forgot to go before it was too late.

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