Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

A day of 2 halves ❤️ Weather wise

.....What a cold, windy, grey morning....I popped to Waitrose (busy Friday) for a few provisions....Must be Mothers Day soon, as it is impossible to get in or out of the store except in single file....Expensive and many looked passed their best already....A bit of lunch and another attempt to recover my greenhouse....(I really want to plant a few seeds out in trays over the weekend) ❤️ I've ended up piercing the plastic with long metal pegs and bricks...Not sure if it will work...!!
Went over to see Mum and Dad for an hour this pm as I have a local community gardening/litter pick tomorrow so won't be going into town for our usual breakfast....Xx (Sunny later this afternoon)

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