From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

A first step...

I've been considering starting one of these Blip journal things for a while now, having been a long-term voyeuristic visitor to the site via my sister's page (Pippilongstock, this is all your fault!)

There's no particular reason why I chose to start today - it's not the start of a new year, or even a new month, and I have no particular theme in mind for this journal. I guess I'll have to see how it goes.

Anyway, a good friend of mine recently inspired me to spend more time "looking up". I was loading the dishwasher this evening and happened to look up at the clouds and liked what I saw, so went out into the garden and took a few quick photos. There's nothing particularly remarkable about this patch of sky, or this picture of it, but everything has to start somewhere, and this seemed as good a start as any.

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