Golden hour

Back in the office today, but still exhausted.  Had a good day though, and still went for a walk at lunchtime with my boss - via the Vietnamese takeaway on the way back.

Left work a little earlier than usual, and headed over to St Paul's.  I'd had it in mind to go back there with my wide angle lens to capture the Marie Curie daffodils - I'd googled it earlier and discovered they'd already moved on elsewhere, but thought I'd still go there anyway, in the absence of any other photo inspiration.  I just caught the last of the pink sunset light on the dome of St Paul's, so I think it was worth the detour.

Got home, cooked up a quick dinner, then Tim and I went to our residents' association AGM.  Bit of a contentious one, thanks to one particular neighbour, so it went on for a couple of hours.  We were determined not to lose our Friday night completely though, so came home and stayed up rather late.

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