
By awelsh

Such a lovely day

It was so nice today to have a sunny day that was actually warm as well, definitely a day to ignore the ironing and such like! 
First of all I took the dog for a walk to the river under the new bridge (It may be called the Diamond Bridge but pretty sure it'll be called the new bridge for years to come.  On the way back I was debating whether to cut through Tillydrone or to come back via the Park.  Very glad I went with the park as I heard a woodpecker and then saw it as it flew over.
In the afternoon I went to Halfords to get slime put in the tyres of my bike as they have had slow punctures for a good while now.  It's great stuff as it absorbs any small bits of glass etc.  It was so good to be back on my bike.  Hopefully it will be as nice tomorrow and i'll get down to the plot.  If not then ironing it is!

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