I hardly slept knowing I'd have to run for miles, then beefy got up at 6am to get going. by the time I had stopped whining about it, it was 7.30am when we got going. it was absolutely glorious weather and we ran out to craigdam and back then over to mums and round the circuit back to bourtie kirk and back to meldrum. beefy hurt his hip and had to turn back at 19k - walked back to shieldon for a lift so ended up doing a half marathon. I carried on and did 16 miles in 2hours 57 minutes, the longest I've ever run. my knee was ok and didn't twinge until well past the 13 miles, so the exercises must be working although my right hip was sore so I'll need to keep doing the glute workouts. I was totally knackered after but we went for a walk in the sun with peg up to the seat on the hill. scorchio today, it was ace!

then I went over to inverurie for edith's bowling night which was good fun. beth was babysitting while beefy went off to pitlochry with the band. we signed peggo up to do the gaitherin in the first week of the holidays, she's going to love it.

looking forward to a long lie tomorrow...

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