View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

Wow long day

Text message at 12.30 am! To Mr C - your flight is cancelled please call this number. Then followed a couple of hours of pure frustration. The given number was in German, eventually I listened in and it was just an advertising loop. So onto the web to Lufthansa website. Finally find out that cabin crew were on short notice strikes. Found the English contact line. Got flight transferred. Heathrow not Gatwick, so more time checking train times and booking extension ticket to ticket already bought. Phew - finally to bed. Up bright and early and Mr C was off on the train towards Heathrow. 11.30 am nearing Heathrow. Text message - your flight has been cancelled. He decides to go to customer services at Heathrow. Gets flight changed, this time to Stuttgart instead of Frankfurt. He gets to Stuttgart and then finds that it is a 4 hour train ride to his meeting place!!! Arghh. It's now getting on for 9pm and I still haven't had a text or email to say he's arrived yet. Sigh

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