
By conventgirl


One of the things Reading is known for is Huntley and Palmers biscuits. The company was founded here in 1822 and for a long time was a massive  part of life in the town. Sadly the company was bought out and production ceased (although someone has bought the name and set up in Norfolk, I think).

In the museum there is a gallery detailing the history of the company, including lots of examples of their tins. They come in all shapes and sizes including one for the queen's coronation, one commemerating the death of Churchill, ones made especially for the export market, fancy shaped ones and ordinary ones.

The one in the top left is especially notable because the illustrator has been particularly naughty (as revenge for being sacked) and snuck into the shrubbery at the back a couple having sex and 2 dogs mounting each other. This wasn't noticed until after the tins went on sale by which time tens of thousands had been sold.

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