Time flies

British Summer Time. I set the clock on the central heating, and on another clock. The electronic items like the TV and my iPad put the time forward as if by magic.

I set off in plenty of time to meet my friend for a day at Trentham Gardens.

We strolled in the glorious sunshine. We chatted and caught up over a coffee. I glanced at my watch to keep an eye on the time. I'd booked a restaurant for one o'clock. It was Mothers Day and everywhere was busy.

We arrived at the restaurant to puzzled looks. It wasn't full fortunately. We ordered our meal, and then I checked my phone.

I hadn't changed the time on the car dashboard or on my watch. We were an hour late. Well, as they say, time flies when you're enjoying yourself. And, you know, it really didn't matter.

Extra - a friendly fairy keeping an eye on proceedings

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