Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Greyfriars Bobby

Another warm day, the official start of British Summer Time. Also official because today I left the house without wearing my hat - always a sign of summer.

Archie was pleased that we didn't go anwyhere in the car, but took a wander over the Meadows.

We met a Skye Terrier - I'm always surprised at how huge they are! The owners said that they were heading to Greyfriars Bobby statue for a 'Skye Terrier Convention'. A Skye Terrier Convention! That must be worth a nosey.

But it wasn't really. There were about nine Skye Terriers and various owners convening around the statue. And there they stood, barking (the dogs) and talking (the owners) for ages. I was told that they'd move to the gravestone as well, but we waited in the graveyard for ages (in the sun) and none appeared.

And then one appeared, so we grabbed our chance for a photo opportunity. Brodie (for it was he) was immense - his head was the size of a lion. Random people we spoke to expressed surprise at the non-likeness between the statue and the actual dogs (extra 1).

We popped in to the cafe for a cuppa, then walked back. The small music combo was still playing - and very good they were too, though Archie didn't seem to think so (extra 2).

As we came back through the Meadows, the barbecues were fired up (burning the grass with gay abandon) but with the billowing smoke and smells of onions and sausages it felt quite summer-ish, despite the slight chill in the afternoon air. But Archie had to stay on the lead because there are too many tempting smells and groups of people for him to pester.

I thought of mowing the lawn, but I couldn't be bothered.

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