The Lovers

Sometimes it's necessary to expend energy to create energy.

There is a shape to the year, and to the day sometimes, which somehow just has to be followed, regardless of the consequences. A long trip out on the bike, over Fleet Moss (the road still with snow on it) and back via Kidstones, some eighty miles of following my bliss on a day that just got warmer and warmer. The skies were so beautiful that it felt like I was riding through a three-dimensional painting. I finished with more energy than I started with. Legs in bits, but my head felt totally invigorated. It was clearly what I needed. 

Very hard to choose which shot to post. It was really a day about the sky and winter trees, so I will celebrate with a special find. It's rare these days that I find new trees to shoot. Isolating them from all the normal clutter of other trees, farm buildings, fences, hedgerows, and telegraph poles is actually really difficult. This shot was achieved by poking my lens through the bottom of a barbed wire fence. I think the effort was worthwhile. I think I need to find names for these two entwined arboreal lovers. They are now my new favourite trees.

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