
Despite the clocks going forward an hour, we were up early and out for a walk by 10am.  It was lovely and relatively quiet at that time, and even though it was still windy, it was warm.  The boys were good as gold and didn't bark at the other dogs today.  

We walked 3.5  miles in total to Ovingdean and back, and we went down onto the beach to get some cuttlefish for Sherbet.  We were going to buy some at the pet shop, but it was £2 and Alan said that we live at the beach and can get it for free!

We saw a group of Oyster Catchers on the beach and it was really funny watching them as when the waves came in, they all ran back onto the beach lol!  I was going to blip them, but I love this photo of Milou smiling, so I've added the Oyster Catchers to my extras.

When we got home, we watched the F1, I did my ironing and then Alan fitted our new roman blind to the patio door.  We even sat in the garden in the sun, but put Sherbet's cage outside - he loved it!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there, hope you've had a good day!

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