Breathe In And Out...

By ScotNatureBoy

Wake up, you sleepy head!

I have been trying ALL summer to take a decent close-up photo of a common carder bee Bombus pascuorum. Unfortunately, however, for my photographic ambitions, this species of bee is somewhat hyperactive. They settle lightly on flowers for a second or two only, making it almost impossible for me to focus and photograph. As such, I was mildly pleased this morning, returning from a very early run, to find this common carder bee moving very slowly and clumsily around a lamb's-ear flower spike in my garden. So, I rushed indoors to collect my phone (camera) and the bee was still there when I came back. I suspect the very cool temperature overnight had left it in a torpor. It is a very "hairy" bumblebee and you can see lots of pollen grains stuck to it. Pleased to capture this one for my photographic bee "zoo"!

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