Blooming lovely!

I wanted to get a few things from Poundland , so instead of going to Bridgend, we went to the one in Porthcawl. J very rarely goes shopping with me, other than the food shop, but he was quite  impressed .  J took our purchases back to the car, and  then we walked down the main street. I love looking in charity shops, and I am so glad I did today. I saw 12 pieces of Fresh Fruit crockery, which consisted of four side plates, four dessert dishes, and four dinner  plates for £2.99. and a tureen for £3.49.  We have been using this particular design for many years, and a few of our plates had a few chips.  What a bargain.  We only had a   car parking ticket for an hour, (I told you J hates shopping) so we went back to move the car, and J parked on the promenade,while I got out to take some photos. It started to rain, so I wasn't out for long. You can see the  bottle bank that ugly green building on the left  which is the most horrendously designed, seafront apartments, I have ever seen in my life. After having lunch, I washed my newly acquired china, threw away the older, chipped ones , and I am very glad I went to Porthcawl today.

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