Cheeky Boys!

Today has gone by in a whirlwind! I went swimming this morning and swam half a mile, came home to get changed and let the boys out, and then went to work.

It was a lovely sunny morning, so I decided that instead of getting the two buses that it takes to get to Hove, I'd get off near the pier and walk the rest of the way. However the sea mist rolled in and the temperature dropped, but I decided I'd walk anyway. With my walk from home to the bus stop and then from the pier to work, I walked just over three miles.

It's been very busy at work and my shift has gone very quickly which is good and I've only got another 10 minutes until I finish.

Anyway my blip for today is of this cheeky pair who have realised that the sun comes into Scarlett and Violet's bedroom in the morning - they look rather comfortable don't they?

Right, I'd better go and do my end of day stuff, catch you later!

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