Drive to the route

Another day out on the house trail. We visited fascinating places high in the wooded hills with spring bursting out all around. Gianluca our guide took us to tumbledown 1980sppy hideaways that have lost their rustic appeal as owners have aged and the times have changed.

Then down to come full circle to a house we have looked at before. We may have resolved on this one but time will tell. (The photo is some of the view from the house with 5 acres and 250 olive trees 'in production').

Later a supper of fresh broad beans with pecorino  and delicious asparagus with M and A down in Florence.

On the drive back on full headlights along a narrow ridgetop road we saw a porcupine, a roe deer and a hedgehog.

The porcupine had a huge sail of blue-tinged quills in the lights as it shuffled off down a dry ditch.

The roe deer was practically in The Principal's lap before it bounded up a near vertical bank.

And the hedgehog was quietly intent as perambulated away.

A sad day before the signing away of the UK's EU membership tomorrow. Madness.

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