Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Hanging On

I know, too much information in one shot. But let me explain. This building is one of two dozen public health centers of our town. If you need medical assistance and don't have private health care, you must first see a doctor in one of these small health centers. If the physician believes that you need further exams or if he can't solve your problem with his limited resources, he'll refer you to a specialist or to the regional hospital. 
Problem is: Every morning people form long lines in front of these health centers, and not all of them will be able to see the doctor that day, having to try their luck again the next day. Knowing how difficult it is to get an appointment with the doctor, these two lads opted for a radical, but very effective solution: They simply decided to camp and spend the night in their hammocks on the porch of the health center, guaranteeing them the first spot in the queue that soon will be forming below their hammocks.

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