Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


I have no idea what this is (but I know a blipper who may ;) )
but there were about 20 of them at the waters edge looking for food tonight. I tried the RSPB bird identifier but no luck.

Counselling; got a lot off my chest. Feel no better yet. I fear I may only feel better when I ask questions to a certain person but not sure I want to. I am angry and hurt.

We spoke about Mum and the kind of relationship I have with her. Amongst other things we talked about how I find it normal that Mum hasn't been in my flat for more than a few times in the 17yrs I've lived in it. My counsellor doesn't.

I don't know how I am going to switch off tonight . Feeling quite sad.

(Edit, it's a turnstone)

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